That’s to see your methods – Beckendorf would burst with envy..

That’s to see your methods – Beckendorf would burst with envy.

“C” hissed like a cobra on its tail. The squeak of “W” and “F” took sides. And the true “K” for the first time in his life took aside categorical steps. Moaning “H” resisted the letter “Yu” biting “E” and “T” shouted: – Dad! – Said “L”: “That’s what I’m standing on!” – Well, that is a quote from Luther. The obedient “A” was already on the ointment, prepared to sing solo, twisted on one leg like a compass – and closed in a circle. Rolling a ring with the letter “O” he lost his little finger content. Then I took that pen again. As befits a good stylist, she somehow closed the letters in the stanza, from those that were, in several variations. And it turned out: um … n-n-n … brr … ffu! It’s more like a set of alliterations. But that’s not all. And what was behind it? While I was building such a fence, And the letter “I” snuck through the mud, And still I can not find it. Meanwhile, Khrushchev himself at meetings with the intelligentsia in the winter of 1962-1963 made it clear! that in c e cannot be allowed. Singing to him, on April 8, 1963, at a meeting of creative activists and ideological workers, the then secretary of the Central Committee of Ukraine A. Skyba unequivocally declared “formalistic tricks with the word” which have already led or will inevitably lead to “distortion of ideological and artistic content.” In order not to be unfounded, Skyba even called “violators”: Mykola Vingranovsky, Ivan Drach, Lina Kostenko. As soon as the homegrown cerbers were instructed, “kus-kus” and “fas” were criticized by the grief-critics. From the pages of “Pravda Ukrainy” there was such a furious barking that even if you cover your ears. wet series of accusations and reproaches, received a resolute rebuff and from insult began to write a faithful explanation to the authorities about the reason for the failure of his three-hour conversation with Lina Kostenko: “From our meeting I concluded: low level of culture L. .. “Furthermore, in the spirit of stupid bureaucrats with the smiles of Ostap Vyshnya:” L. Kostenko is simply incapable of establishing a bright, poetically sublime, in the full sense of ours, because this requires real talent, not cheaply inflated. “Well, the plebeian of literature could not comprehend the aristocrat in literature, he simply was not given to understand the great. Irshika commissioned about Lenin, the party, or, unfortunately, communism, the poet responded with angry invective poetry “Red Drops of Hawthorn”: Guardians, hackneyed – your hobby. You, the manufacturers of faith and distrust, would make you a spiritual test – you will be rejected by every jeweler. Nomenclature fools, bureaucrats, Flat murmurs in the squaring of frames! Your intellect will not pay attention to carats, but at most just a hundred grams. It is difficult for the poet. He is looking for truths. We are gin in corked bottles. And you, who are you, what kind of communists are you? You crushed communism in diapers! You have already ground it like a worm. Poetry for your furnaces – peat. That’s to see your methods – Beckendorf would burst with envy. It is not easy for us. Bloody drops of hawthorn will come through our faiths someday … Do not speak on behalf of the people – you have burned them three times! The end of the “Khrushchev thaw”. Crackling “Brezhnev frosts”. The poetess takes on the most tragic page in the history of Ukraine – Berestechko. In 1966-1967 The main part of the novel of the same name was written, although the work was refined, polished and added “at all stages of subsequent Ukrainian tragedies – and after the defeat of the 60’s, and the deadlock of the 70’s, and the deceptive traps of the 80’s … Already then Lina Kostenko raised the question of why Ukrainians can not build states even under the most favorable conditions.From the mouth of the protagonist of “Berestechko” Bohdan Khmelnytsky broke the harsh words not only self -flagellation, but also a warning-cry to future generations, and, scary to predict even to ours, to those who today cannot give advice in leadership positions: “What are you waiting for? What grace from God? Moss grows in your joys. That’s all. One such defeat will strike out a hundred victories. Here is the night, and that star in The milky way is overwhelmed – tears. Who will help, stupid makotsvitny – the Moscow tsar or the Transylvanian prince?! Nogai hordes? Mustache of the Karaite? Sultan Mehmet? Borders from sticks? Your mocked Ukraine lies, Crossing hands and all their ways. Now what? What to do, what to start? No maces, no troops, no seals. My guilt, MY sin before people. Everything was for us. Why did we lose?! On the foundation of “Berestechko” another one appeared – the great historical lyrical-epic work of Lina Kostenko. And a separate book “Berestechko” was published only in 1999. It’s too late. After “Marusya Churai”. Perhaps that is why Berestechko did not become an event in literature in comparison with the much more global, more slender and more archetypal previous one. The law of high art is relentless: the work must be born on time. But let’s go back to the end of the terrible sixties in Ukraine, dear. Lina Kostenko takes nine-year-old Oksana to her father. Vasyl Kostenko, who was repressed during Stalin’s rule, and his daughter Lina, who is ready to be arrested, have something to talk about. The terrible truth is not hidden from the girl. Oksana is brought up in the spirit of resistance and honesty before herself. The daughter will remember those strange games for the child, inspired by the mother’s stories about her arrested contemporaries, the grandfather – about his own circles of Dante’s hell: Here I am in prison, here “they” come to me but I won’t tell anything to anyone … And mum in Lviv – on courts. Throws flowers to defendants, to it twisting her arms, she beats her fist on the “funnels”. I’m waiting for her. “M. Osadchy, a lecturer at Lviv University who was tried with the Horyny brothers, recalled how people supported” dissidents “during the trial. Among the few visitors from Kyiv were desperate daredevils – Ivan Dziuba and Lina Kostenko. G. Klochek cites the testimony of M. Osadchy; “Glory! .. Glory! .. Glory! .. “- shouted the crowd that filled Pekarska (this was all five days!). Flowers were thrown at us … When we went to the courtroom, we walked on the carpet of fresh spring flowers, we were sorry to mutilate them , but we could not stumble, we were led firmly, shaking hands painfully. I remembered one guy who had a flower fall on a cartouche. He was a pot-bellied soldier, looking around like a hare. Someone pointed to a flower. And he shook it from the cartouche with such hatred and fear, as if there was a small bomb. – Michael, hold on! – Ivan Dziuba shouted from the group to Horyn, – hold on! – he shouted. I only managed to see his face, saw for a moment how Lina Kostenko broke through the guards and deftly put a bar of chocolate in the hands of Myroslav Zvarychevska. The head of the Isolator, as if obsessed, rushed to Myroslava and snatched the tile back: “Damn it, maybe it’s eroded? “When Soviet troops were introduced into Czechoslovakia, only a handful of conscious Ukrainian darede vils protested clearly against this invasion. Kostenko brings her young daughter to Shevchenko for a kind of first confession. Yu: “The steamer, which we are returning from Kherson to Kyiv, is mooring in Kaniv. Two o’clock at night. My mother takes my hand, and we go to Shevchenko. Even those old wooden stairs. Night. Terrible. Not far from the monument voices, hearth. We approach on tiptoe. The graves bowed. I don’t know yet that my mother may say goodbye to me – now she will return to Kyiv and the only member of the Writers’ Union will loudly protest against the entry of Soviet troops into Czechoslovakia, despite the threat of arrest. “Kostenko was not published until 1977. Lina Kostenko’s daughter recalls that in the 1970s only at the mention of her mother’s name did party workers have some demonic infernal associations, she was afraid of the system, which itself was armed from head to toe with fear. uncertain and terrible time Lina became a mother for the second time: “… In her mother’s arms – a small child. My younger brother Vasilko, who will get to his feet and start walking and talking during my mother’s literary absence. It is the courage of a mother as a woman to give birth to a child in the midst of the plague. This is the right instinct of the family, the belief in the victory of life and its continuity. “Between” Journeys of the Heart “( 1961) and “Over the Banks of the Eternal River” (1977) sixteen years of silence, sixteen years of forced isolation from readers, because it can not be considered A slightly earlier selection in Literary Ukraine, crippled by a censor’s scalpel, was published in the summer of 1976, when Lina Kostenko went on a hunger strike in protest. The poetess was removed from the list of “active” poets. to consider Linina’s poetry “I went as to the bottom”; I went as to the bottom. Above me leaden waters. Silent ghosts of willows wash a path from knees. I choked and fell, as the swaying alarm of freedom, as from a silent bell-tower the bell is cut off by the enemy. Maybe somewhere in the dark days, someone will remember me and call me quietly Strange fish, And clouds, and the shadows of google lab report writer concrete bulls – everything floats above me .., everything floats above me … I have dreams my temple. I dream of gilded baths. Crosses in the high sky of burnt faith. I’m cold here. And, at least, no tvani. Depth, what is it? – otherworldly sister of heights. I forget my voice. And I learn to ride quietly. Ice river. There are no more waves or clouds … But at least one thing: my ropes have rotted. Not a bell ringer sounds at my Easter. The poem has such a powerful subtext, it is so multi-layered, it generates such an amu of associations that behind it – one! – you can write a whole dissertation! Meanwhile, the courageous woman already had two small children in her arms.